
Prakalpa Annual Event 2019

Prakalpa Annual Event 2019

Prakalpa is an annual event organized at PES University campus to show case the best projects developed by the students. More than 150 teams of various programs of study of PES University showcased creative and innovative projects at Prakalpa 2019 housed at their respective departments. More than 10 industries also participated in the event. The program was inaugurated by Dr. M R Doreswamy, Chancellor, PES University at 11:00 AM. Addressing the gathering Dr. M R Doreswamy, Chancellor, PES University said that “SET (Socially Economically Technologically) Innovative Project” is the need of the hour. He said that SET Innovation must touch three aspects of sustainable development namely technological, social and institutional innovation. He said PES University always encourages and promotes Project based learning. This model of education system seeks to prepare students to accept and meet challenges in the real world, mirroring what professionals do every day while teaching them what they need to know to succeed in a formal degree. Project based learning structures curriculum around discrete projects, presenting students with multi-step problems to solve or asking them complex questions they are then required to answer. It also improves student attitudes toward education, thanks to its ability to keep students engaged. Further he said that, universities and institutes of higher learning must focus on solving the societal problems may it be garbage, traffic, electricity, water, drainage, etc. He applauded on some of the interesting projects taken up by the students of PES University. He said I am taken aback by looking at these exciting projects. Each one of them is opt and unique in their own way. The project exhibition went on till 4:00 PM. Experts from industry and academia were part of the Jury Panel for every department. More than 5000 students, 800 parents, 600 students from other colleges took active participation during this event.
  • #Event
  • February 11, 2019
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