Talk on Human Robot Interaction by Prof. David Jenkins
The talk on Human Robot Interaction for Enhanced Perception and Social Wellbeing traced the evolution of user interface and robotics. The models used to represent perception in social interactions between human and robots, the challenges in the existing solutions were clearly brought out by Prof. Jenkins. He emphasised the ubiquitous presence of robots in the society and the need for developing intelligent and simple interfaces that will allow robots to be part of social interactions and well being. In the later part of the session, possible solutions for few applications and case studies like Brain Computer Interface, activating memory through music, behavioural therapy for Autism, use of robots for Stroke rehabilitation and challenges in robotics with respect to security, natural language synthesis and so on were deliberated. Prof. David Jenkins is a Professor at School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics and his focus of research has been in the area of sensor development, microscopy and medical systemsThe session started with a welcome address by Dean of Research, Dr. Sudarshan. The session was presided over by Prof. KNB Murthy, Vice Chancellor. The event was organised by PES University in collaboration with Institute of Engineering & Technology (IET) and Board for IT Education Standards (BITES) GOK. There was a good participation from both Academia & Industry.
- July 11, 2019
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