AMD Best Student Award
Smaran Adarsh and Tanmay M won the AMD Best Student award 2018-19 for their project on Synthesis Techniques For Reversible And Quantum Circuits. The duo developed a synthesizer for realising Reversible and Quantum Circuits working over two months at Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, under the guidance of Dr. Robert Wille, Professor and HOD, Integrated Circuit Design. On their return to PES University they continued their work under the guidance of Prof. M. S. Sunita. The award carries a cash prize of Rs. 25K. The paper titled Towards HDL-based Synthesis of Reversible Circuits with No Additional Lines, based on the project work has been accepted for publication in the 38th edition of International Conference on Computer - Aided Design ICCAD 2019. Smaram and Tanmay, students of final year BTech program with department of electronics and communication engineering plan to pursue master’s degree in Computer Engineering at Delft University of Technology, Netherlands.
- #StudentAchievements
- July 24, 2019
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