Javathon 2020 Online Hackathon held
Amidst lockdown students of the second and fourth semester of the MCA programme took up the challenge of coming up with Java based solutions in less than four hours. The contesting teams in Javathon 2020, interacted with the mentors on the university’s Impartus video platform on text and audio chat and desktop sharing. Amrutha D won the first prize followed by Zain Baig in the Convert IP challenge. Vishal Prajapat won the first prize followed by Rahul Rajpoot in Resistor Resistance. The event was organised under the guidance of faculty member Mr. Santosh Katti, who also mentored the teams along with other members Ms. Archana and Ms. Deepti. JAVATHON-2020 which was set up on Hackerrank platform and held on April 16, 2020 was conducted smoothly and drew enthusiastic participation amidst the lockdown and interaction challenges. The response has encouraged the students and organising faculty to conduct more such events at the state and national levels.
- #Technical
- April 27, 2020
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