Live Online Teaching for Students of PES University
The current Corona Virus situation has prompted Universities to shutdown classes in the interest of safety of students.
The University in its bid to utilize the situation constructively is beaming classroom teaching live for students to access the same from their place of stay since Monday March 16, 2020.
The University put in place a special time table covering 8 teaching sessions in a day each of 40 minutes duration across all courses. The schedule is shared with students so that they are informed on the subject and the teacher teaching the subject. The recorded version of the class is also made available to the student by the end of the day. This helps students to have a relook at the content delivered for better understanding and also serves those students who would have missed the live session.
This initiative of the University has been well received by the students with over 80% of students accessing to live / recorded sessions of the classes conducted.
- #InTheMedia
- May 09, 2020
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