Javathon 2023 Ignites Innovation and Creativity in Java Programming @ PESU
The Department of Computer Applications hosted the Javathon event on January 12, 2023, a hackathon-style gathering that brought together students from the department to showcase their Java programming prowess. The event took place at the golden jubilee block, where participants formed teams to collaborate on projects that utilized Java technology.
The Javathon aimed to promote innovation and creativity in the Java programming community. Participants were challenged to think outside the box and develop solutions that could create a platform to connect company requirements and job seekers. The goal was to complete the demand and supply chain using Java programming concepts and tools.
The problem was declared on the spot, and throughout the event, participants worked tirelessly on their projects. Each team presented their project to a panel of judges who evaluated the projects based on criteria such as innovation, creativity, functionality, and usability. The presentations were engaging and inspiring, showcasing the amazing potential of Java programming to solve the problem.
Overall, the Javathon was a fantastic event that provided the students with an opportunity to showcase their skills and creativity. The event was a great success and demonstrated the potential for Java programming to address real-world challenges.
- #Technical
- January 14, 2023
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