
Fifth International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (Coconet’23) Sixth International Conference on Applied Soft Computing and Communication Networks (Acn’23)

Fifth International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (Coconet’23) Sixth International Conference on Applied Soft Computing and Communication Networks (Acn’23)


The Fifth 3-day International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet’23) co-located with The Sixth International Conference on Applied Soft Computing and Communication Networks (ACN’23) inaugural function was held on PES University campus. The conference is scheduled from 18/12/2023 to 20/12/2023. Dr. Sanjay K Madria, Curator's Distinguished Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA was the chief guest of the occasion. In his address, Dr. Sanjay spoke about how the next decade of research shall be led by India and the importance of commitment to work.

Dr. T. S. B. Sudarshan, Dean Research welcomed the distinguished guest on behalf of staff, management & attendees. He emphasized on the focal drive of CoCoNet’23, which is to exchange ideas and advance research in human technology, particularly in the context of the evolving 5G technology. Dr. Shikha Tripathi, General Co-Chair, Chairperson-ECE Department, presented an overview and key highlights of the conference.

Dr. Sabu Thampi, Executive General Chair, Senior IEEE member, Professor at IIITM-K and Dr. Venkatesh Prasad, Embedded Systems Professor at TU Delft, Netherlands graced the occasion and spoke about the importance of conferences for academicians and urged the attendees to research on technologies of the future.

In his presidential address, Prof. D. Jawahar, Pro Chancellor of PES University spoke about achieving exponential growth over the next decade by prioritizing dynamic academic advancements, fostering innovative research initiatives, and strategically investing in state-of-the-art infrastructure and faculty development.

Valedictory Function

Dr. Shikha Tripathi, General Chair CoCoNet’23/ACN’23, Chairperson, Dept. of ECE, addressed the participants and presented a brief overview of the events, highlighting its key moments. There were 7 keynotes, 8 tutorials, 12 lightning talks, and 3 Hot off the press presentations. In all, 193 papers were presented during the 3 day conference. She thanked the student volunteers and the staff members and appreciated their efforts in making this event successful.

Prof. M. S. Sunita thanked all the participants for their presence and active involvement in the conference.

She thanked the Pro-Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, COO, the staff and the sponsors for their support and encouragement. She extended her thanks to the keynote speakers, tutorial conduction team, session chairs, authors, fellow colleagues, student volunteers, non-teaching staff, operation members, the photographers and the media team.


  • #Event
  • December 28, 2023
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