
Expert talk on patentability

Expert talk on patentability

The talk by Mr. Sean Lawrence, a distinguished Senior Software Architect at Intel Corporation offered a comprehensive exploration of the patent lifecycle, from initial idea conception to securing legal protections. The talk for students of MCA on Exploring the Frontiers of Innovation: Mastering the Art of Patentability focused on the essential distinctions between inventions and innovations and detailing the criteria that define patentable ideas. The session provided an in-depth examination of the journey from invention disclosure to legal formalities, emphasizing the critical role of the Invention Disclosure Form. Characteristics of patentable ideas that included novelty, non-obviousness, and tangible application as foundational elements of patent eligibility were highlighted. Practical examples such as the HoneyComb glacier concept, which illustrated both successful strategies and common pitfalls in patent applications were explained. The question and answer session covered the distinctions between patents and copyrights, the economic factors influencing patent durations, and the unique challenges of patent regulation across different countries. Students were grouped and tasked with creating concepts to present to the panel, assessing the patentability of their ideas. The talk titled Exploring the Frontiers of Innovation: Mastering the Art of Patentability was organized by the department of MCA on April 20, 2024 at RR campus.

  • #Talks
  • April 22, 2024
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