
PES University's BEST has world class facility: Higher Education Minister, Dr. Sudhakar

PES University's BEST has world class facility: Higher Education Minister, Dr. Sudhakar

The inauguration of  Bajaj Engineering  Skills Training (BEST) Centre on PES University’s campus was held on Oct 4,2024.Hon’ble Minister for Higher Education Dr. M.C. Sudhakar was the Chief Guest of the event. Speaking on the occasion, the Minister heaped praises on Prof. M.R. Doreswamy Exemplary and visionary leadership in imparting quality education to the young minds. He thanked Bajaj Auto Ltd for the initiative to train students and graduates to develop a skilled workforce through the Engineering skills training center, the first of its kind in the state of Karnataka with support from PES University. He mentioned that 'it is an eye opener for the Government and other industries to create such state-of-the art facility centres for upskilling and preparing industry ready talent specially from tier 2 and tier 3 cities of Karnataka.He informed the gathering that there are few programs the government has undertaken viz; ”Prerana” and “Kalilkejote Koushalya” under the skills development council to impart some basic skills among the younger generation help those from rural areas and tier 3 cities of the state. He shared that the Government of Karnataka is also planning to set up skill development centres in every district of the state. 

Dr. Sudhakar said that he was extremely happy to see the hi tech infrastructure created by PES which is at par with any University outside India and said those visiting India for an education tour must be brought to PES university to see  world class facilities created by the University.

In his presidential address, Hon’ble Chancellor of PES University Prof. M.R. Doreswamy said that Bajaj has set a trend in the industry by establishing BEST center on the Campus and thanked the team for the initiative and wished that other industries also follow suit. He said that with the curriculum offered in educational institutions being generally theory oriented, the curriculum of the skills training at BEST@PESU emphasizes more on hands-on-training which will enable graduates to get lucrative jobs in the industry. Dr. Doreswamy appealed to the Minister to have a representative from Private Universities in the Higher education council. He advised students to make use of facilities like Yoga centre, Gym and other sports facilities available in the University to keep themselves physically fit.

The Pro-Chancellor of PES University Prof. D. Jawahar thanked the BAL for recognizing PES to partner with PES in establishing the fourth center in the country. He assured that the center will be a flagship program in terms of skills training program and trainees will be atpar with other top skills centers at the end of the program to secure 100% placement.He said that from the next year onwards, the center will train 360 candidates and suggested BAL to identify socio-economically backward students from cities to be included in the training program.

Chief Human Resource Officer of BAJAJ Auto Ltd, Shri Ravikyran Ramaswamy thanked PES for providing the space for Bajaj Engineering skills training center with their campus.  He said that  BALwill be  spending  Rupees 5000 crores in the next five years for its CSR projects, which is going to make a huge impact on the engineering industry.

Various stakeholders, affiliated partners in academics, equipment and industry were felicitated during the occasion.

Dr. K. S. Sridhar, Registrar of the University welcomed the gathering while Dr. Nagarjuna Sadineni, Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University presented the vote of thanks.

Present on the occasion was Sri. Niranjan, Vice Chairman and Dr. Chandrashekar, Executive Director  of the Karnataka State Higher Education Council, Joint Managing Director of Sansera Engineering and President of ASDC. Mr F.R. Singhvi, Mr Sudhakar Guudipati, Vice President, CSR Projects, BAL, Prof. Ajoy Kumar, COO, Dr. J. Suryaprasad, Vice-Chancellor of the University, PESU Deans and Principals of various Programs of Study, a large gathering of Trainee Engineers.

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