
Talk on True Leadership Beyond Titles

Talk on True Leadership Beyond Titles

The talk by Ajit Kumar, Managing Director at Work Dynamics delved into the rapid evolution of the world, highlighting disruptions in traditional business models and transformations across industries. He cited examples of introduction of artificial meat to the food market, technological advancements in healthcare of DNA modification, and innovations in banking systems. The concept of VUCA—Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity was a focal point, illustrated by events such as the stock market crash and Apple’s collaboration with Intel. The discussion addressed key questions such as what leaders do in a VUCA environment, whether hierarchy functions effectively under these conditions, and how leadership adapts to VUCA. Department of BBA and BBA (Business Analytics) hosted the educational B talk series on Beyond the Title: What Makes a True Leader in VUCA World, at RR campus on January 8, 2025.

  • #Talks
  • January 10, 2025
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