PES University Hosts Innovative Operating System Hackathon to Foster Skills and Teamwork @ PESU52
On April 11th, 2023, the Department of Computer Applications at PES University held a highly successful operating system hackathon dubbed "Shell Hack" at GJ PESU 52. The three-hour event aimed to bring together students passionate about operating systems, offering a platform for them to demonstrate their skills and creativity while nurturing critical thinking and collaboration.
The hackathon witnessed participation from MCA 1st semester students, who were organized into teams of 4 - 5 members. With a total of 50 teams competing, the event centered on deadlock recovery in operating systems. Each team was assigned a specific problem and given three hours to develop their projects and present their solutions to their respective mentors.
A unique aspect of the hackathon was the requirement for students to collaborate with unfamiliar teammates. This approach promoted interaction among participants, encouraged teamwork, and facilitated learning from each other's strengths and weaknesses.
Throughout the competition, participants had access to resources such as computers, software, and internet connectivity. Mentors were on hand to provide guidance and support. They offered valuable advice and helped students overcome any challenges they faced during the event.
Teams were tasked with creating solutions that met specific requirements, and their performance was evaluated based on criteria such as PPT presentation, functionality, implementation, coding quality, and the originality and ingenuity of their ideas. Despite encountering obstacles like understanding requirements, rapid coding, debugging, and troubleshooting, students remained focused and driven throughout the activity.
The Shell Hack operating system hackathon proved to be a resounding success, with all participating teams showcasing exceptional talent and expertise. Students, who began the event as strangers, formed strong bonds with their teams and mentors, gaining new skills and techniques related to operating system development. The hackathon presented a valuable opportunity for participants to network, share knowledge, and gain hands-on experience in the field of operating systems.
- #Event #Technical
- April 13, 2023
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