
Sankethi and Telugu Language Learning Workshops

Sankethi and Telugu Language Learning Workshops

The Sankethi and Telugu Language Learning Workshops for beginners was an opportunity to learn essential phrases, explore the rich cultures associated with the languages, and connect with fellow language enthusiasts in a fun and supportive environment. Sankethi is a South Dravidian language spoken by the Sankethi community primarily in Karnataka, characterized by its unique blend of Kannada and Tamil influences. After a brief introduction to the history behind the language, encouragers, Achyuth, Sowmyashree, and Shriharshith, dove right into practice examples, giving attendees the opportunity to try and guess the Sankethi counterparts of certain commonly used English phrases. The attendees were able to keep up with the examples, with Sankethi having similarities with the Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam languages. The short quiz featured questions on Sankethi word for curd, river, honey, among other general-purpose words. The workshop ended with attendees being asked to translate a certain passage in Sankethi that turned to be lyrics to a very popular English song to the joy and slight frustration. The introductory workshop on Telugu with encourager, Gunda Sukesh saw the attendees spotting similarities between Telugu and the languages known to them, primarily Malayalam and Tamil, and a few words that mean different things in the two languages. The workshop concluded with the encourager sharing Maa Telugu Talliki by Tanguturi Suryakumari, the official song of Andhra Pradesh. A social media group was created where members can freely clear their language-related queries, and learn together with like-minded peers. Sankethi and Telugu Language Learning Workshops were organized by Linguista! Conducted on April 15-18 at RR campus.

  • #Cultural
  • April 22, 2024
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