
Awareness program on body donation

Awareness program on body donation

Body donation is an act of generosity where individuals choose to donate their bodies for medical education and research. The awareness program elaborated on the procedures related to donating the body. Body donation provides many benefits to medical education, clinical practice and research. The guest speaker, Dr. Varsha Mokhasi shared insights on the importance of voluntary body donation. She elaborated on what all steps to be taken before donating a body. She also explained in which all situations a body can be rejected. She also stressed on how to handle and respect the emotional aspects of relatives of the body donor. Dr. Anu Francis, welcomed the audience, Dr. Manjunath BG, Medical Superintendent welcomed the guest speaker and Dr. Sridevi NS, introduced the guest speaker at the awareness program on body donation organized by The Department of Anatom in PESUIMSR on May 14, 2024.

  • May 16, 2024
  • Viewed - 794
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